Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Booga Boogie

Well, I finished the booga last night. I have no pictures because I am a dork and forgot to take pre-felting pictures. Right now, it is upside down blocking on a box. It is soooooo pretty. I heart felting now. After my last felting fiasco, I am so glad that this turned out well. It will dry in 1-2 days and I can put the I-cord in and take pictures!!

I am up to the toe on the first diamondback sock. Its been slow going because the past three weeks have been insanely crazy. Too much going on. The kids are out of school. Need I say more?

Wyatt has two teeth, is sitting up by himself, and is really freaking me out by attempting to get up on his hands and knees to crawl. Not cool. My baby is disappearing before my eyes.

I joined the summer of socks and I have plenty of friends who have requested them. I hope to get caught up on the plunge this summer. I also have a gazillion pregnant friends who need baby knits. I AM STOKED!!! So far we have one we aren't sure the sex of (she didn't find out, how crazy), two girls, and three more that are unknown yet because they aren't far enough along. I love babies. Gives me baby fever.

Ok, no pics, I am a loser. But in the next day or two there will be picks, there will be knitting content to show off and discuss. I have socks to start, socks to finish, a booga to enjoy, and I even started on a summer top. I'm such a knitting ho.

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